Day 1 at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 in New Orleans, LA and online everywhere.
Meetings and events
ArticlesAGU has awarded travel grants and fellowships to 239 early career professionals and students from around the world. These grants and fellowships will offset the costs of Fall Meeting-related expenses, whether incurred in-person or virtually.
We also know some of you may be wondering what happens now with AGU Fall Meeting 2021 that will be in New Orleans, LA from 13-17 December. We are in close contact with state and local officials as they continue to assess the situation. We ask you to please be patient with us while we work with them to make sure we can have a safe meeting for all.
#AGU21 will fully comply with CDC guidance and local requirements regarding safety, including the use of masks, that are in effect at the time of the meeting.
#AGU21 student resources and grants help to foster the next generation of Earth and space scientists
I am looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues from around the world in New Orleans — and and online—this coming December at #AGU21, and trust you are as well.
In our special “Third Pod from the Sun” episode, featuring AGU Vice President of Meetings Lauren Parr and AGU Vice President of Science Policy and Government Relations Lexi Shultz, we talk about what is AGU, as an organization, doing to serve as an ally when it comes to our meetings and public policy.
Gordon Grant, President of Earth and Planetary Surface Processes section and Council Leadership Team, summarizes the AGU Council March 2021 meeting with a haiku.
As we look back on 2020, we wanted to share some of the top news and views coming out of AGU.
One way you can share your #AGU20 presentations is on the Earth and Space Science Open Archive (, a preprint and meeting presentation server led by AGU and other scholarly societies.
Thursday marked the final day of live programming for #AGU20, concluding 13 full days over three weeks of presenting, learning and connecting.