About & Guidelines
AGU’s goal for From the Prow is to help strengthen communications with our members, informing them of the trends, strategic questions and other important events affecting the Union and the communities we represent.
From the Prow features regular posts from AGU’s president, president-elect and executive director/CEO as well as periodic invited posts from members of the board and council, AGU staff, and leaders of various committees and task forces. Posts focus on reflections and perspectives related to AGU’s programs and initiatives, as well as issues, opportunities and developments happening in the Earth and space sciences.
The blog is intended to serve as a two-way dialogue between AGU leaders, members and the broader Earth and space science community. Commenting is strongly encouraged, as are requests for potential blog topics.
- All blog content will be on-topic, free of plagiarism and will not include content that is unlawful, harmful, harassing, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable
- Bloggers will not post any content that is copyrighted or patented without obtaining proper permission first, and they will use their best efforts to ensure that all facts and statements included in their posts are true.
- Commenting is open to both AGU members and non-members.
- AGU will only post comments that are attributed with valid email addresses.
- Bloggers and commenters will be courteous to one another.
- AGU reserves the right to moderate all comment threads in whatever manner they deem appropriate.
- Comments that are off-topic, libelous, defamatory or derogatory, harassing or threatening, or comments that include profanity or other inappropriate language can and will be deleted immediately at the discretion of the blog manager.
Disclaimer: Ideas and opinions expressed on this site are those of the authors and commenters alone. They do not necessarily represent the views of the American Geophysical Union.
Last updated: 6 October 2021
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