Thanks for a great #AGU20

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Thursday marked the final day of live programming for #AGU20, concluding 13 full days over three weeks of presenting, learning and connecting. Thanks to all the session chairs and conveners, presenters, plenary speakers and panelists, and all of the attendees for helping create the largest, longest, most engaging conference of any type of the year. And thanks to the Fall Meeting Program Committee, Council, and many AGU Committees, programs, and partners that created and enriched the full meeting. Collectively, the AGU community showed what is possible.

Especially noteworthy was how the meeting showcased the enthusiasm about Earth and space science and its broad and deep connection to society (just browse the #AGU20 twitter thread), the sharing of the science (more than 1,000 attendees participated in Sketch your Science), and even the fun: the pictures of you watching at home – including with your pets and kids, and the attendance at the Virtu-ale Happy Hours and various meet-up sessions. Patience and resilience also helped make the meeting work.

The closing plenary, a panel discussion with AGU members led by science rapper Baba Brinkman, and his final “rap up,” highlighted some of the emergent themes that carried through the meeting, including the growing importance of deeper engagement with society, and the importance of promoting justice, equity, inclusivity, and diversity for improving science. This was highlighted by the broader participation from scientists from countries outside the U.S. and other first-time attendees, and recognition of the lasting value of indigenous knowledges (from Alexander von Humboldt forward), international collaboration, open, FAIR data, convergent science showcased by the rich GeoHealth and COVID-19 sessions, and the many extra challenges faced by students, particularly this year. And we learned that while birds can save the planet, it is really through people and science that we will move forward.

Although the live, formal program is over, access to Fall Meeting content is not. All presentations and recordings are available to Fall Meeting registrants through 15 February 2021. Please keep sharing the cool, impactful, valuable science and commentary, and help other attendees find it. For presenters, you have an option of making your content public and permanent on –look for a post here with further information in the next few days.

#AGU20 was in many ways a large experiment, created from a planned in-person meeting, and building off prior experiments and input. Your help and thoughts are needed to improve the experience and explore new possibilities. Please look for and respond to a meeting survey from AGU in early 2021. Your input is needed and valuable.

Here are some preliminary numbers as we wrap up #AGU20. We will share more in January.

  • More than 25,000 thousand attendees registered from over 110 countries around the world.
  • When we add posters, oral presentations, union and named lectures, we had almost 585,000 assets viewed.
  • This means that each attendee watched more than 23 videos, on average.
  • Looking at all our video assets, if you watched nothing but Fall Meeting 2020 content for 24 hours a day, we have roughly four months of content.

You can find our daily wrap ups from each day on From the Prow and here are a few sessions from Thursday, 17 December, that you may want to add to your on-demand schedule:

News coming out of #AGU20 includes:

And save the date for Fall Meeting 2021: 13-17 December in New Orleans, Louisiana. We hope it will be safe to have a hybrid event that is in person and also leverages our experience from this year to include a virtual program that again expands opportunities for engagement. We will share more information soon.

Until then, hoping that your New Year is happy and healthy, and see you in 2021! Stay safe.

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  1. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 - Sequoia ScientificSequoia Scientific

    […] We had an awesome time attending AGU’s Fall Meeting this year! As 2020 has pivoted towards virtual events, AGU was one of the world’s largest virtual scientific conferences. The American Geophysical Union is an international, nonprofit scientific association whose mission is to promote discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. This year’s event saw speakers, a virtual poster hall, chat sessions, and exhibitors (like us!). Although the live event is now complete, those who have registered are still able to browse and rewatch recorded talks at their lesiure. Check out this awesome list of this year’s fall meeting hilights here! […]

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