Registration fees for #AGU22 support a robust hybrid meeting experience
At AGU’s first fully hybrid Fall Meeting, #AGU21, in-person and virtual attendees alike were able to access the robust program of scientific sessions, along with newly created virtual events. This hybrid meeting decreased our carbon footprint and increased attendees’ flexibility to design their own experience. From all that we have heard, our members want us to continue offering hybrid meetings and we are committed to that goal.
Offering hybrid meetings, however, has presented challenges on the planning and budgeting side, and it has increased the overall costs of our meetings due to the significant increase in technology support. To adapt to this changing landscape, we plan to have uniform registration fees for in-person and virtual attendance at #AGU22.
Uniform pricing will allow us to bear the significant technology costs of synchronous presentations and the recent increase in the overall costs of meetings, which have risen more than 35% since the start of the pandemic. This uniformity will also streamline our processes and create flexibility for those who may need to change their plans. Our ultimate goal is to invest in improving the overall experience for both in-person and virtual attendees
A key goal of AGU’s strategic plan is to promote and exemplify an inclusive scientific culture, so we are pleased to continue expanding our support for our global scientific community to attend this important gathering. At #AGU22 we will offer free virtual and in-person attendance for staff and faculty at Tribal and Territorial Colleges and Universities and for all attendees from Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries, along with reduced registration for students and retired members. In addition, AGU will offer free or reduced rates for K-12 educators, artists, local undergraduates, internationally-based Indigenous scientists, and community leaders.
Registration and housing for #AGU22 will open in August. We look forward to hosting you all this December in Chicago, Ill. and online everywhere.
I am delighted with AGU’s emphasis on community outreach and advocacy. AGU has had a major impact on federal legislation related to climate change and other geophysical sciences. Grassroots efforts have made significant contributions to the success of these efforts,.