AGU Advances Continues to Make an Impact


We launched AGU Advances in 2019 to lead scientific publishing into the future. The gold open access journal has carved out a place for groundbreaking research that has broad and immediate implications for the scientific community and to our global society.

AGU Advances has now published more than 100 articles, showcasing critical research and expert commentary. Shearer et al. looked into a missing piece of U.S. emission calculations—future CO2 produced by power infrastructure due to the coal-to-gas shift—which was used in a recent report by the Inter-American Development Bank. The blueprint developed by Williams et al. for the U.S. to reach zero or negative CO2 emissions by 2050 informed a powerful New York Times opinion article on climate action.

Additionally, AGU Advances is at the forefront of the movement for developing best practices that allow our community to produce the highest-quality science while creating safe, inclusive, and inspiring places for all of our colleagues. The editorial board has added their voices to the greater call for social justice though a special collection on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Earth and Space Sciences. Commentaries like Vernon Morris’s “Combating Racism in the Geosciences: Reflections From a Black Professor” have inspired robust discussion around these important topics.

The success of the journal, including its debut impact factor of 6.7, announced earlier today, was made possible through our partnership with co-publisher Wiley, the AGU Advances editorial board, the authors whose research are making AGU Advances a go-to journal, and most importantly, AGU’s incredibly hard-working and dedicated volunteer reviewers. Peer review is essential to the process of doing and publishing science. We thank all who have helped AGU Advances on its path to success so far and look forward to where we will go in the future.

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