AGU releases 2020 annual DEI report and new DEI dashboard

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The lack of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in many fields of STEM and notably in the Earth and space sciences impedes scientific discovery and solutions. Broad participation across society in science and in support of science is critical for any sustainable future.

Recognizing the urgency of these issues, AGU is newly committed to promoting and exemplifying an inclusive science culture, as highlighted in our new strategic plan. One important start to address longstanding issues and impacts of systemic racism in science is through our eight deliberate steps, announced in August 2020,

Today, we are releasing our 2020 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Annual Report. This report highlights many of the steps AGU has taken and will continue to take toward building a diverse, equitable and inclusive Earth and space sciences community, including initiatives and activities that are forging new paths and setting new standards across STEM. We encourage you to read the annual report to learn more about recent DEI-related work across AGU.

Additionally, to be transparent about progress on our DEI goals and outcomes, AGU is releasing an inaugural public profile and analysis of our organization’s demographics in a comprehensive AGU DEI Dashboard: 2020 baseline demographic snapshot. The information dashboard provides a summary snapshot of self-reported information from AGU members. It provides a baseline for our DEI efforts, highlighting where we can continue to focus our efforts to help improve as a community.  

The dashboard was created in response to a charge to the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Its development was guided by reviews and feedback from the AGU Global Engagement Committee and the AGU Council. Global demographic profiles of AGU program participation, AGU leadership, and AGU staff are highlighted in the baseline report—as well as data limitations, collection methodology and future collection plans. Both quantitative and qualitative assessments are included.

We encourage you to review the AGU D&I Dashboard baseline summary report to learn more and to provide feedback on potential improvements to DEI data collection and reporting as we work to achieve our strategic plan goals.

Additionally, we ask everyone to actively support greater DEI in the sciences. Some options to connect with and through AGU activities include:

  • Apply to join AGU LANDInG’s inaugural cohort for professional development in DEI leadership within the geosciences
  • Become an AGU volunteer via AGU Connect
  • Commit to being an ally by adding your name to the Prow post here
  • Submit your institution to become a AGU Bridge Program Partner to create pathways to graduate school for students from underrepresented communities (applications accepted in June).
  • Participate in the Cultivating Leadership for Change workshop series.
  • Let us know of other activities and efforts that we can amplify or participate. This challenge requires efforts across STEM and coordinating as a whole is critical.

While much work remains, AGU is committed to making continued progress toward creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable community. We look forward to your continued support and engagement in this critically important work.

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