Announcing Four New AGU Journal Editors in Chief

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AGU journals receive thousands of submissions, which require teams of individuals to work together to review all of them.

Led by the editors in chief and editorial boards, these teams are integral to identifying research that will challenge and change our thinking. Thanks to their dedication for maintaining AGU’s reputation for having the highest quality standards, we are a leading publisher in the scientific community that promotes best practices in scholarly publishing.

We are grateful to every single individual who is a part of the process – from the authors to the editors.

Today, we are pleased to announce these four incoming editors in chief whose terms start 1 January 2021:

Marguerite A. Xenopoulos, Trent University, Canada
JGR: Biogeosciences
Lisa M. Beal, RSMAS – University of Miami
JGR: Oceans
Stephen M. Griffies, GFDL, NOAA
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
Georgia (Gia) Destouni, Stockholm University, Sweden
Water Resources Research

We appreciate the countless hours and dedication that the four outgoing editors in chief gave to support our Earth and space sciences community. While their tenure as editors in chief at their respective journals are ending, we know their continued involvement in AGU and our community will remain!

  • Miguel A. Goni
    JGR: Biogeosciences
  • Peter G. Brewer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
    JGR: Oceans
  • Robert Pincus, University of Colorado/NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
    Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
  • Martyn P. Clark, University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology, Canmore Coldwater Laboratory, Canada
    Water Resources Research

The editors in chief selection process started in February 2020 when we formed the selection committees. We posted an open call for editors to apply until June. The selection committee reviewed the candidate applications and interviewed candidates over the summer.

The top candidates were presented and interviewed by the Publications Committee in October to ensure the final candidate was the best representative of the respective journal and dedicated to furthering AGU’s strategic plan.

Thanks to the strong commitment from our Earth and space sciences community, we are fortunate to have so many excellent candidates. Our journals are an integral component to expanding both discovery and solution-based science, which our new strategic plan identifies as essential to our future.

We encourage you to stay involved by serving as a reviewer or volunteering at AGU. We have a variety of opportunities that can work around anyone’s schedule and availability.

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