New capabilities to share your research and collaborate on ESSOAr
By Brooks Hanson, Executive Vice President, Science
As we all adapt to working remotely, we are pleased to announce that the Earth and Space Science Open Archive (ESSOAr) has new capabilities to make virtual collaboration even easier.
ESSOAr, an open community server for the dissemination of Earth and space science early research outputs, was launched in 2018 by AGU and Atypon, with ongoing support from Wiley, and guided by an international advisory board that includes representatives from societies across the Earth and space sciences. It currently hosts more than 2,000 freely available posters and preprints across all of Earth and space science.
The new features now available on ESSOAr include:
- One-click submission from participating journals and meetings. ESSOAr supports the early and open sharing of Earth and space science research outputs as preprints before, or concurrent with, submission to a participating journal. The 1-click transfer service streamlines this process by allowing authors to seamlessly transfer their manuscript to ESSOAr at the same time they submit their research to a participating journal, which includes all AGU journals. Any Earth and space science journal using eJournalPress as their submission system can also use this feature, and integrations with ScholarOne Manuscripts and other editorial systems are on our roadmap. One-click transfer of posters is also available for meetings hosted on the Confex meeting management system.
- Annotation using Hypothesis. ESSOAr also now offers the ability for researchers to annotate preprints and posters using Hypothesis, an open-source framework for annotating content on the internet, including PDFs. Hypothesis’s new publisher group functionality enables readers to comment and provide community feedback across all content posted on the ESSOAr platform in a dedicated layer. Annotations can be part of the ESSOAr group, or private or public in other groups, and include text in any language, links, images, equations or video. Each annotation can be the start of a threaded conversation anchored to underlying text. Hypothesis annotations have unique web addresses (URLs) to enable sharing in other documents, emails, social media or generally as their own scholarly objects.
- Searching for conference posters. As we announced earlier this month, ESSOAr is also serving as a virtual poster hall for Earth and space science conferences that have been postponed, canceled or moved online. Conferences can now create their own “space” on ESSOAr, and users can find the event, and the associated posters, using the “Browse by Meeting” menu on ESSOAr. Posters from previous and canceled meetings, including the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting and the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2020, can now be submitted for hosting on ESSOAr.
With these ESSOAr improvements, as well as other resources, AGU is here to make networking, learning and collaborating with your colleagues easier.
We hope you, your family and friends are staying safe and healthy.
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