By: Chris McEntee
Last night, in his first State of the Union speech to Congress and the American people, President Trump addressed some..
Meetings and events
By: Chris McEntee
As 2017 began with a new administration in Washington, D.C., there was evidence that we could expect to face serious..
As 2017 began with a new administration in Washington, D.C., there was evidence that we could expect to face serious..
By: Eric A. Davidson
It wasn’t your grandfather’s AGU that met this month in New Orleans for the first time. As in recent years,..
It wasn’t your grandfather’s AGU that met this month in New Orleans for the first time. As in recent years,..
By: Chris McEntee
In nearly 100 years, AGU’s community – innovators, expansive thinkers and incisive researchers – has seen its fair share of..
In nearly 100 years, AGU’s community – innovators, expansive thinkers and incisive researchers – has seen its fair share of..
By: Chris McEntee
Volume 1 of the Congressionally mandated 4th U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA) was released earlier this month. Led by scientists..
Volume 1 of the Congressionally mandated 4th U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA) was released earlier this month. Led by scientists..
By: Joshua Speiser
By Denis-Didier Rousseau, AGU Fall Meeting Chair, Senior Research Scientist at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique It is my..
By Denis-Didier Rousseau, AGU Fall Meeting Chair, Senior Research Scientist at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique It is my..
By: Joshua Speiser
Authors: Rana Fine (chair of the COF steering team – moving forward) and Ana Barros (chair of the COF Task..
Authors: Rana Fine (chair of the COF steering team – moving forward) and Ana Barros (chair of the COF Task..
By: Eric A. Davidson
“We need to tell that story,” said my Senator, after I told him how NOAA’s Sea Grant Program budget is..
“We need to tell that story,” said my Senator, after I told him how NOAA’s Sea Grant Program budget is..
By: Chris McEntee
Four years ago, members of Japan Geosciences Union (JpGU) and AGU began working on ways our two scientific societies could..
Four years ago, members of Japan Geosciences Union (JpGU) and AGU began working on ways our two scientific societies could..
By: Chris McEntee
Editor’s Note: This week, we’ll be sharing reflections on the March for Science from AGU leaders. This is part two..
Editor’s Note: This week, we’ll be sharing reflections on the March for Science from AGU leaders. This is part two..