Top AGU news and views from 2020 By: Randy W. Fiser As we look back on 2020, we wanted to share some of the top news and views coming out of AGU. Atmospheric science 24 Dec
The 50th anniversary of Earth Day: A teachable moment By: AGU Staff [Editor’s Note: This morning, AGU sent the following email to its members. We wanted to make sure everyone received the information,.. Climate change 22 Apr
Scientists Tackle Grand Challenges In the Earth and Space Sciences In New Special Centennial-Themed Collection By: Joshua Speiser One hundred years ago when AGU was founded there were still large unmapped places on our planet and the idea.. Climate change 9 Jul
AGU and AAS: Working Together to Expand the Understanding of Exoplanets By: Joshua Speiser AGU and AAS are the fortunate recipients of a major grant from The Kavli Foundation that brings together our communities to advance the science of exoplanets. I’m.. Science and society 30 Jul