AGU Endorses the 2018 March for Science
On 14 April, 2018, for the second time in as many years, the March for Science is occurring in communities across the globe. AGU is proud to again join as a formal sponsor of this worldwide event in support of science, and to offer direct support to AGU groups participating in local marches.
Over the last year, our community has spoken out about many of the policies enacted and statements made by the U.S. administration, agencies and members of Congress. Together, we have called on federal agency heads and Congress to protect scientific integrity and the open communication of scientific information, addressed the impacts of the President’s Executive Order withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Accords, and urged increased federal support for scientific investment. Throughout this tumultuous time, we have worked with you and others in the Earth and space science community as you have continued to take action. By formally endorsing the 2018 March for Science, AGU hopes to further strengthen and energize the collective voices of the Earth and space science community in support of science and scientific integrity.
This year, AGU is focused on supporting members’ participation in marches in cities and towns across the world.* We will provide assistance to AGU members who are attempting to organize 10 or more of their colleagues to attend local marches together. Selected organizers will be eligible receive up to $500 of reimbursable financial support. You may also receive material support in the form of the official the AGU March for Science banner; AGU March for Science posters and postcards; social media support; mentions on; in a From the Prow blog post and/or other AGU blogs and communications.
The application form to receive in-kind and/or financial support can be found here and applications will be accepted through 26 March. If we receive multiple applications from the same city, we will encourage participants to band together as only one can be supported for each community.
Following the march, AGU will work with our members, colleagues and supporters to keep the momentum going by through our Sharing Science Network, Science Policy Alerts, periodic action alerts, and a discussion board on AGU Connect that will enable members to share their impressions of the march and related activities.
We hope that you will choose to join with your AGU friends and colleagues at your local March for Science on April 14 to help broadcast a strong message of support for science. Please be sure let us know of your interest by submitting an application by the 26 March deadline.
*AGU staff will organize the Washington D.C. March; please email Madeleine Tshiams to receive updates on these plans
Editor’s note: Please visit AGU’s March for Science webpage for downloadable links to March for Science posters, postcard, banner, application for support form, post-march resources and more.
I wish to know if local chapter of AGU exist in Poland. I am a member and will like to participate in the “march for science” event coming in April. If the local AGU chapter exist, please advise on how to contact them.
Thanks for your question, Akinniyi. AGU does not have local chapters, rather it is organized by scientific sections. I encourage you to visit AGUConnect to inquire about and make connections with colleagues in Poland.
As we did last year, the Lehigh Valley 4 All is hosting a March for Science Rally in Bethlehem, PA on April 14 and we are looking for speakers who are willing to speak at the rally. The choice of acceptable topics is wide open as long as it relates to the overall purpose of the March for Science. Last year, I was one of the speakers and I addressed the attacks on science by the new administration, especially in the areas of environmental science but we are trying to have a new slate of speakers. If you would be interested, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at 610-606-4666 x 3519. Thank you.