Editors-in-chief of AGU’s 22 journals say COP26 is our “last best chance” to mitigate the devastating impact from human-caused climate change
By: AGU Staff
Editors-in-chief of AGU’s 22 journals say COP26 is our “last best chance” to mitigate the devastating impact from human-caused climate change
…the two days of our board meeting demonstrated that AGU has the intention, energy, creativity and leadership to make that strategic plan a reality. I’m excited to see what the future holds.
AGU Member, AGU Fellow and winner of the AGU Bowie and Revelle medals, Syukuro Manabe, shared one half of the prize with Klaus Hasselmann, also an AGU Fellow and a winner of the AGU Macelwane Medal, “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.”